Monday 28 November 2016

Christmas shopping on Amazon? Find out how you can help the library.

Click the link!
If you are doing some or all of your Christmas shopping on Amazon, you can help support the Library Service at no cost to yourself. It's as simple as clicking a link.

By clicking on the "buy it now" link in our catalogue, on our web site or from this blog, a percentage of the price of anything you buy will come to us, all at no additional cost to you.

It doesn't matter if you are buying books, a blu-ray box set, music, a Christmas jumper, a laptop, scented candles or reindeer food. If you click our link the Library Service will get a cut.

The ID will stay on your computer for 24 hours, so anything you purchase from Amazon in that time will automatically be included.

"What's the catch?" you may ask. There isn't one.

Clicking on the link doesn't change what you pay to Amazon, and we can't see what you have bought.

Clicking the link just means we get some money back which we can then invest in the library service to help make what we do go a little further.

So please, if you are going to be shopping with Amazon this Christmas, help us at the same time and use our Buy It Now link to send a little of Amazon's profits our way.

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