Tuesday 14 October 2014

Ebola resources

Ebola virus courtesy of CDC Global
With the current Ebola outbreak featuring constantly in the media, and the possibility that there will be another UK case at some point, we thought it might be useful to produce a short list of information resources relating to Ebola.

UK Material

Department of Health 
The main source for the official announcements is Ebola - the UK government response

You can also get all updates from the UK Government by subscribing to the Ebola RSS feed or subscribing to an email news list.

Public Health England www.gov.uk/government/collections/ebola-virus-disease-clinical-management-and-guidance 
Ebola virus disease: clinical management and guidance for NHS Trusts and primary care

Expert interview: Is Ebola a risk to the UK? A blog from PHE's Director of Global Health  https://publichealthmatters.blog.gov.uk/2014/10/15/expert-interview-is-ebola-a-risk-to-the-uk/

Association of Ambulance Chief Executives http://aace.org.uk/ebola-guidance-wider-resources/
Aimed at ambulance staff

NHS Choices www.nhs.uk/conditions/ebola-virus/Pages/Ebola-virus.aspx
Overview of Ebola, it's transmission, treatment and travel advice

Royal College of General Practitioners www.rcgp.org.uk/clinical-and-research/clinical-resources/ebola.aspx Common sense guide to Ebola for GPs and their teams

International Material

World health Authority www.who.int/csr/disease/ebola/en/
Situation reports on the current outbreak, fact sheets, technical information, publications and guidance

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control  
EU based epidemiological information, together with risk assessments, surveillance information and more.

US Centre for Disease Control www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/index.html
The US based Centre for Disease Control has a dedicated section on it's web site which includes lots of information about symptoms, transmission, risks and the ongoing outbreak.

CIDRAP www.cidrap.umn.edu/infectious-disease-topics/ebola
Produced by the Centre for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, the site features news, analysis, resources and literature.

Doctors without Borders www.msf.org.uk/ebola
Interactive guides on Ebola, the current outbreak, treatment, a timeline for the outbreak and a blog featuring posts from people involved all over the world.

EbolaAlert www.ebolaalert.org/
A West African site run by volunteers featuring news, links to resources and more.

Médecins Sans Frontières  www.msf.org.uk/ebola
Information on the crisis in West Africa

Evidence Aid www.evidenceaid.org/ebola/
Information resources aimed at decision makers from the Oxford based organisation.

You can also stay up to date via Twitter using the hashtag #ebola

Free access journal article and information collections
With thanks to Keith Nockels at Leicester University who suggested many of these resources. 

Updated 13th November 2014

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