Due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak all the libraries are now closed to visitors. This includes out of hours access.
However, library staff are still working to provide you with a service and we are available if you need:
However, library staff are still working to provide you with a service and we are available if you need:
- A literature search
- A journal article
- A book or other document
- Help with using databases or accessing electronic journals
- Anything else library related...
Please contact one of the libraries and we will do our best
to give you what you need.
You can also access our (new) catalogue online at https://nhft.koha-ptfs.co.uk/ which will show you everything we have in stock and provide links to all of the ebooks we have which you can access online with your OpenAthens password (and if you don't have one of those you can register for one here).
You can find information about all the services we offer on our web site, including links to journals, databases, the Royal Marsden Manual and other ebooks and everything else we provide.