Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (of which Library Services is a part) has decided that all training should be cancelled until at least the end of June as part of their response to the COVID-19 situation.
We are sorry that we can no longer provide this training but there are some online alternatives that you could use.
Health Education England have provided an
online course in planning a search and using the Healthcare Databases (HDAS) to carry it out. You can do the training without logging in but if you do it will not record your progress. If you wish to log in you can use an NHS OpenAthens account.
You will also need an OpenAthens account to use the NHS databases for searching for journal articles (module 7). If you do not have one you can register
from here. If you already have an account but have problems with it please contact the library.
Once on the
HDAS site there is more help available from these 2 pages:
https://hdas.nice.org.uk/help/ and
https://www.nice.org.uk/about/nice-communities/library-and-knowledge-services-staff/training-materials (which includes links to help videos on YouTube).
If you need a work-related literature search done then you can also contact the library and ask us to do that for you.
There is an
online tutorial on critical appraisal. This covers RCTs, systematic reviews and economic evaluations and in each case there is a tutorial and a paper that you can download to appraise and then check your answers against the ones on the site.
Understanding Health Research site also has a tool which guides you through a series of questions to help you to review and interpret a published health research paper.
We hope these will help, but if you have any questions regarding training, literature searching or critical appraisal, please contact one of the libraries.