The interface we all use for searching the
NHS databases such as Medline, PsychInfo or the British Nursing Index is changing.
HDAS (Healthcare Databases Advance Search) has been redeveloped by NICE with the plan to make it easier to use, more stable and reliable, and easier to update with any future technological changes.
The change over is due in October, but NICE have said they will retain the older interface "for a few weeks" to run along side the new one to give users a chance to become familiar with the new version (and to give NHS Libraries a chance to update all their training materials!)
If you have any saved searches, you will be able to migrate them into the new interface as long as they were created before the 12th of September. We would advise not creating any searches you plan to keep after this date until the new interface has gone live.
Below is a screenshot of the new interface. It brings together things that were on different screens and puts them all together on a single page.
The HDAS interface will offer new features including the ability to export more records, more consistency and flexibility with thesaurus searching, more fields displayed in the results page and saved results that stay saved after you exit (unlike the current clipboard feature). It should also be more reliable.
We will be publicising the change over once we have a definitive date. If you would like to try out the beta version you can find it here (NHS OpenAthens password required)